Builds a context that allows for mapping each name to a precise uid, taking lexical scopes into account
type unique_rulename =
| Ambiguous of Catala_utils.Pos.t list |
| Unique of Shared_ast.RuleName.t Catala_utils.Mark.pos |
type scope_def_context = {
default_exception_rulename : unique_rulename option; |
label_idmap : Shared_ast.LabelName.t Shared_ast.IdentName.Map.t; |
type scope_var_or_subscope =
| ScopeVar of Shared_ast.ScopeVar.t |
| SubScope of Shared_ast.SubScopeName.t * Shared_ast.ScopeName.t |
type scope_context = {
var_idmap : scope_var_or_subscope Shared_ast.IdentName.Map.t; | (* All variables, including scope variables and subscopes *) |
scope_defs_contexts : scope_def_context Desugared.Ast.ScopeDef.Map.t; | (* What is the default rule to refer to for unnamed exceptions, if any *) |
sub_scopes : Shared_ast.ScopeName.Set.t; | (* Other scopes referred to by this scope. Used for dependency analysis *) |
Inside a scope, we distinguish between the variables and the subscopes.
type struct_context = Shared_ast.typ Shared_ast.StructField.Map.t
Types of the fields of a struct
type enum_context = Shared_ast.typ Shared_ast.EnumConstructor.Map.t
Types of the payloads of the cases of an enum
type var_sig = {
var_sig_typ : Shared_ast.typ; |
var_sig_is_condition : bool; |
var_sig_parameters : ( * Shared_ast.typ) list
option; |
var_sig_io : Surface.Ast.scope_decl_context_io; |
var_sig_states_idmap : Shared_ast.StateName.t Shared_ast.IdentName.Map.t; |
var_sig_states_list : Shared_ast.StateName.t list; |
type typedef =
| TStruct of Shared_ast.StructName.t | |
| TEnum of Shared_ast.EnumName.t | |
| TScope of Shared_ast.ScopeName.t * Shared_ast.scope_out_struct | (* Implicitly defined output struct *) |
Capitalised type names share a namespace on the user side, but may correspond to only one of the following
type context = {
local_var_idmap : Ast.expr Shared_ast.Var.t Shared_ast.IdentName.Map.t; | (* Inside a definition, local variables can be introduced by functions arguments or pattern matching *) |
typedefs : typedef Shared_ast.IdentName.Map.t; | (* Gathers the names of the scopes, structs and enums *) |
field_idmap : Shared_ast.StructField.t Shared_ast.StructName.Map.t
Shared_ast.IdentName.Map.t; | (* The names of the struct fields. Names of fields can be shared between different structs *) |
constructor_idmap : Shared_ast.EnumConstructor.t Shared_ast.EnumName.Map.t
Shared_ast.IdentName.Map.t; | (* The names of the enum constructors. Constructor names can be shared between different enums *) |
scopes : scope_context Shared_ast.ScopeName.Map.t; | (* For each scope, its context *) |
topdefs : Shared_ast.TopdefName.t Shared_ast.IdentName.Map.t; | (* Global definitions *) |
structs : struct_context Shared_ast.StructName.Map.t; | (* For each struct, its context *) |
enums : enum_context Shared_ast.EnumName.Map.t; | (* For each enum, its context *) |
var_typs : var_sig Shared_ast.ScopeVar.Map.t; | (* The signatures of each scope variable declared *) |
Main context used throughout Surface
val raise_unsupported_feature : string -> Catala_utils.Pos.t -> 'a
Temporary function raising an error message saying that a feature is not supported yet
val raise_unknown_identifier :
string ->
Shared_ast.IdentName.t Catala_utils.Mark.pos ->
Function to call whenever an identifier used somewhere has not been declared in the program previously
val get_var_typ : context -> Shared_ast.ScopeVar.t -> Shared_ast.typ
Gets the type associated to an uid
val is_var_cond : context -> Shared_ast.ScopeVar.t -> bool
val get_var_io :
context ->
Shared_ast.ScopeVar.t ->
val get_var_uid :
Shared_ast.ScopeName.t ->
context ->
Shared_ast.IdentName.t Catala_utils.Mark.pos ->
Get the variable uid inside the scope given in argument
val get_subscope_uid :
Shared_ast.ScopeName.t ->
context ->
Shared_ast.IdentName.t Catala_utils.Mark.pos ->
Get the subscope uid inside the scope given in argument
val is_subscope_uid :
Shared_ast.ScopeName.t ->
context ->
Shared_ast.IdentName.t ->
is_subscope_uid scope_uid ctxt y
returns true if y
belongs to the subscopes of scope_uid
val belongs_to :
context ->
Shared_ast.ScopeVar.t ->
Shared_ast.ScopeName.t ->
Checks if the var_uid belongs to the scope scope_uid
val get_def_typ : context -> Ast.ScopeDef.t -> Shared_ast.typ
Retrieves the type of a scope definition from the context
val get_params :
context ->
Ast.ScopeDef.t ->
( * Shared_ast.typ) list
val is_def_cond : context -> Ast.ScopeDef.t -> bool
val is_type_cond : Surface.Ast.typ -> bool
val add_def_local_var :
context ->
Shared_ast.IdentName.t ->
context * Ast.expr Shared_ast.Var.t
Adds a binding to the context
val get_def_key :
Surface.Ast.scope_var ->
Surface.Ast.lident Catala_utils.Mark.pos option ->
Shared_ast.ScopeName.t ->
context ->
Catala_utils.Pos.t ->
Usage: get_def_key var_name var_state scope_uid ctxt pos
val get_enum :
context ->
Shared_ast.IdentName.t Catala_utils.Mark.pos ->
Find an enum definition from the typedefs, failing if there is none or it has a different kind
val get_struct :
context ->
Shared_ast.IdentName.t Catala_utils.Mark.pos ->
Find a struct definition from the typedefs (possibly an implicit output struct from a scope), failing if there is none or it has a different kind
val get_scope :
context ->
Shared_ast.IdentName.t Catala_utils.Mark.pos ->
Find a scope definition from the typedefs, failing if there is none or it has a different kind
val process_type : context -> Surface.Ast.typ -> Shared_ast.typ
Convert a surface base type to an AST type
val form_context : Surface.Ast.program -> context
Derive the context from metadata, in one pass over the declarations